Inclusion Support for Business

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Inclusion is more than a policy, it's a culture that you and your business need to embody.

Are you passionate about getting inclusion right in your business but avoiding action because you're worried about getting it wrong?

You're in the right place! We've designed a range of programmes, resources and webinars to give you the time, space and expertise needed to get your business into shape when it comes to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Take our How Inclusive Is Your Business? quiz to find out exactly where your business is at right now. We'll send you a FREE copy of our Inclusion vs Accessibility booklet plus a Masterclass with Jo to get you moving in the right direction!


  • 1 Innovation and Creativity - Businesses that are inclusive maximise their potential for growth through diverse thinking and creativity. In an era where the merits of dyslexic thinking have been added as a skill on LinkedIn, it's absolutely essential that we recognise diverse profiles and thinking as a business asset.
  • 2 Productivity and Profitability - When we create an environment where our teams feel safe and able to be themselves, and use their own processing powers to their advantage, we foster teams that are productive, happy to be at work and mutually respectful of each other.
  • 3 Workplace Wellbeing - Social inclusion is the largest predictor and marker of wellbeing, so it stands to reason that when we build a culture of inclusion in our businesses, we also improve our employees' overall wellbeing and quality of life, both in work and at home.
  • 4 Brand and Reputation - Creating a diverse team that not only welcomes differences, but celebrates them and gives them space to grow, will allow you to access new and wider reaching customer bases. Inclusion helps you build a strong reputation within your brand and business as a safe space for growth and development. Whether you're a service or product based organisation this is an excellent tool for customer retention and recommendation.
  • 5 Legal and Ethical Responsibilities - As business owners we have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that we are inclusive and accessible for everyone. Not doing so will risk the possibility of legal action against you.

It all comes down to intention and action...

With over 14 years experience working in the disability sector, Jo knows first hand that connection with the human experience is the biggest thing to make inclusion successful. So when you invest in any level of support with inclusion and diversity, the focus is on building a culture for successful inclusion from the top down, with the support of paperwork, systems and processes.

It always starts with an understanding of your own profile of need, as well as your team's. This builds a foundation of empathy and understand to build on. Then you can move on to thinking about your vision for inclusion and conducting an audit of your business to work out exactly what you need to focus on. You can work with us in a range of ways depending upon your budget and time committment; from self-paced webinars and resources to get you thinking about inclusivity and what it means to your business, right up to our fully supported 3 month programme, The Inclusive Business Mark which gives you all the tools and resources you need to build a fully inclusive culture.

Three stages to becoming an Inclusive Business... Training. Core training for you and all your staff because we know that unless everyone is on board with your vision, your company can't become a more inclusive business. Planning. The Inclusive Business Mark will support you to review your practices for everything from onboarding to socials, website, events and policies. Doing. We have a range of templates you can use to ensure that you are putting inclusive systems in place and constantly learning from new feedback, research and training.
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